Personal Banking
From your personal account to your health, your retirement, your child’s saving account Hibret Bank offers personal banking products and services tailored to your needs
Minor Saving
Attractive interest-bearing savings account aimed specifically at children
Special Saving Account
Interest-bearing savings account wherein, the account holder deposits and withdraw...
Hiber Youth Savings Account
Attractive interest-bearing savings account aimed specifically at young people within the age category of 18 to 30 years
Hiber Women’s Savings Account
Attractive interest-bearing savings account designed for women only
Hiber Health Savings Deposit Account
Attractive interest-bearing savings account that helps to manage unforeseen health related expenses by providing customers a payback scheme...
Hiber Vacation Savings Deposit Account
Attractive interest-bearing savings account that helps to avoid a one-time burden of vacation financing
Hiber Denominated Monthly Savings Account
High interest-bearing savings account similar to fixed time deposit but it can be distributed with one month tenure period
Hiber Special Purpose Savings Account
Attractive interest-bearing savings account that helps to cover personal expense, like weeding ceremony expense
Equb Collection Deposit Account
A product designed to solve the problem faced by equbs in depositing the cash collected from members
Muday Deposit Account
A deposit account providing free cash saving boxes encouraging small traders to grow their capital